Agnus castus:
Loss of both sexual desire and erection with coldness of the sexual organs; sometimes scanty emission without ejaculation and sometimes great loss of semen during sleep with lack of courage; nervous depression and mental weakness. Sexual melancholy with pains; organ cold and relaxed with physical weakness.
Here, after masturbation, the penis is as flabby as a rag, the prepuce when withdrawn behind the glans does not have sufficient contractility to replace itself. Nocturnal emission occurs with or without dreams. It is indicated in the advanced stages when there are no erections. Emissions occurring without any sexual excitement whatever is a good indication for caladium. Feeling of coldness and cold perspiration about the genitals is also a usefulsymptom for the remedy.
Cina Officinalis:
More suitable for the acute effects, such as emissions on three or four consecutive nights weakening the patient greatly. Spermatorrhea with excited, lascivious and fancy dreams at night associated with debility from exhausting discharge.
Calceria Carb:
Bad effects of early masturbation; night sweats follow every emission, or, after marriage, every coitus is followed by weakness of mind and body; increased sexual desire provokes emission, but unusual weakness follows indulgence, and ejaculations is tardy; burning and stinging while semen discharges during coition; pressing pain in head and back; lassitude and weakness in lower extremities; sweats easily.
Picric acid:
Spermatorrhea with great sexual desire followed by prostration; involuntary seminal emission during sleep without sensual dreams followed by great weakness.
Phosphoric acid:
Remarkable remedy for Spermatorrhea associated with general irritability, distressed and anxious with burning in the spine, penis has no power of erection, along with all this, the scrotum and testicles are flabby.
More suitable for seminal emissions, voluntary or involuntary, associated with an increased desire and decreased ability; sexual thoughts accompanied by dribbling of semen during sleep and loss of sexual power; on attempting coition, the penis becomes relaxed with the feeling of sexual neurasthenia.
It is the remedy for the bad effects of masturbation where there is great emaciation with dark rings under the eyes, sallow face, peevishness and shyness. The patient is hypochondriacal and permits the mind to dwell too long on sexual subjects; the boy becomes apathetic and gloomy, he has the sunken face and he becomes uneasy about the state of his health. There may also be irritability of the prostatic portion of the urethra. Conium:
This remedy, on account of its mental conditions, is of a great utility in the treatment of sexual excess. Spermatorrhea from long lasting abuse of genital organs, face pale and sunken, with blue rings around the eyes; dread of company, yet does not want to be alone.
There is frequent involuntary emission of semen at night without any erection of the penis. The seminal flow is thin and watery. Useful when the patient feels weakness, suffers from gastric ailments and the genital organs relaxed, the penis is cold, the erections are few; lasting a short while. In coitus, the semen escapes too soon, almost at the first contact.
Seminal emission at night, followed by a disagreeable burning heat all over body, great anxiety, heaviness, inability to sleep for the rest of the night; nightly emissions followed by shivering lasting for an hour or two and sleeplessness for that night; partial blindness for an self to work and thus life becomes a burden; violent painful priapism, discharge of blood instead of semen.
Nux Vomica:
For the bad effects of early masturbation; it should ne give when the patient suffers fromheadache, frequent involuntary emissions at night, especially toward morning, and the digestive organs are weak. There is an irritable condition from sexual excess, erections taking place, but they are not under the control of the mind and may subside at any time during an embrace; this is a common complaint of city man who have been high lives and drinkers all their lives.
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